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Outside Awards with Cash Prize: Permissible for NIH Employees to Accept

NIH employees make outstanding contributions to the biomedical sciences that are frequently recognized by outside organizations in the form of awards. Employees may accept these awards subject to the regulations (5 CFR 2635.204(d) and 5 CFR 5501.111). For general information on awards, see Awards from Outside Organizations.(Conflicts analysis is required for each employee recepient prior to acceptance.)

The Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH, (ACD) is charged with the responsibility to pre-screen all awards offering a cash gift which are given by non-Federal organizations.  The ACD considers whether the award is made as part of an established program of recognition under which:

  1. awards have been made on a regular basis or which is funded, wholly or in part, to ensure its continuation on a regular basis, and
  2. the selection of the award recipient is made pursuant to written standards.

The ACD makes recommendations to the NIH DEC, who has final approval authority for whether individual awards meet these criteria.

Awards that only bestow the following need not be pre-screened by the ACD.  Each DEC will review and provide approval, if appropriate.

  • an honor (no cash component);
  • a plaque or trophy of little intrinsic value;
  • travel expenses to an event;  or
  • waiver of registration fee for the award ceremony.

The following awards offering cash gifts have been pre-screened by the ACD and determined by the NIH DEC to satisfy the regulatory requirements. With prior approval from their DEC, NIH employees may accept the cash gifts associated with these awards where acceptance would be consistent with all applicable rules.   See Awards from Outside Organizations for additional information.  Awards included on the list will be updated biannually in June and December, following the meetings of the ACD.  Awards can be removed if it is determined that they no longer meet the criteria for acceptance. For additional information, contact your IC's Deputy Ethics Counselor or Ethics Coordinator.

 Awards added following the December ACD meeting. View the printable  Awards List pdf-icon.jpg

Quick links to list below:  A  /  B C D E  /  F G H I  /  J K L M  /  N O P Q  /  R S T U V  /  W X Y Z

Outside Awards with Cash Prize Permissible for NIH Employees to Accept *

Organization Granting the Award

Award Name (NEAC Review Date)

Advances in Neuroblastoma Research (ANR)

  • Laukien Prize (NEAC 4/14/16)

Albert & Mary Lasker Foundation

  • Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards (NEAC 9/25/17)

American Academy of Neurology

  • Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick's Alzheimer's and Related Diseases (NEAC 7/19/16)

American Association for Cancer Research

  • AACR Jane Cooke Wright Memorial Lectureship (NEAC 5/23/17)

American Association of Immunologists

  • AAI  Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research (NEAC 3/20/18)
  • AAI  Thermo Fisher Meritorious Career Award (NEAC 2/14/17)

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

  • AAPS Distinguished Service Award (NEAC 10/11/16)

American Chemical Society, Division of Medicinal Chemistry

  • Philip S. Portoghese Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship (NEAC 7/19/16)

American College of Surgeons

  • Jacobson Innovation Award (NEAC 5/30/19)

American Gastroenterological Association

  • Distinguished Achievement Award in Basic Science (NEAC 6/26/18)

American Heart Association/American Stroke Association

  • Stroke Progress and Innovation Award (NEAC 5/9/17)

American Society for Cell Biology

  • Gibco Emerging Leader Prize (NEAC 1/17/17)

American Society of Hematology

  • ASH Award for Leadership in Promoting diversity (NEAC 12/11/19)
  • Henry M. Stratton Medal (Basic Science) (NEAC 10/31/19)

American Urological Association

  • Ramon Guiteras Award (NEAC 9/27/16)

Asan Foundation

  • Asan Award in Medicine (NEAC 2/17/16)

Association of American Medical Colleges

  • AAMC Herbert W. Nickens Award (NEAC 10/16/18)

Brain and Behavioral Research Foundation

  • Colvin Prize for Bipolar Mood Disorder (NEAC 1/17/17)

Canada Gairdner Global Health

  • Canada Gairdner Global Health Award (NEAC 8/31/16)

Cardiovascular Research Foundation

  • Thomas J. Linnemeier Spirit of Interventional Cardiology Young Investigator Award (NEAC 4/14/16)

Columbia University Medical Center

  • Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize (NEAC 12/7/16)

Edogawa Hospital and Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine

  • Edogawa NICHE Prize (NEAC 2/5/20)

Endocrine Society

  • Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Service Award (NEAC 3/16/17)

European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology

  • ESPE International Award (NEAC 8/20/18)

Foundation for the National Institutes of Health

  • Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences (NEAC 6/26/19)

The Gruber Foundation

  • Gruber Neuroscience Prize (NEAC 10/2/18)

International Clinical Cytometry Society

  • Wallace H. Coulter Award (NEAC 10/3/17)

International Cytokine and Interferon Society

  • ICIS BioLegend William E. Paul Award (NEAC 10/31/17)

International Society of Blood Transfusion

  • Presidential Award (NEAC 7/19/16)

National Academy of Sciences

  • NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing (NEAC 5/3/18)
  • NAS Award in the Neurosciences (NEAC 5/12/16)

National Foundation for Cancer Research

  • Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research (NEAC 3/6/18)
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
  • Education in Neuroimaging Award (NEAC 7/5/16)
Partnership for Public Sevices
  • Service to America Medal: Federal Employee of the Year Award (NEAC 10/3/18)
POLA Pharma, Inc./Japanese Dermatologic Association
  • POLA Pharma Rising Star Award (NEAC 5/1/2018)
Rare Disease Legislative Advocate
  • Rare Voice Award (Abbey Award) (NEAC 11/8/16)
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  • SFRBM Discovery Award (NEAC 2/16/16)
Society for Pediatric Research
  • The Society for Pediatric Research Award (NEAC 5/16/18)
The Welch Foundation
  • Welch Award in Chemistry (NEAC 9/20/18)
Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Gale and Ira Drukier Prize (NEAC 5/9/19)

Note:  An award from a foreign entity requires additional screening.  Talk to your ethics official right away.