ICO Deputy Ethics Counselors (DEC) 
The Deputy Ethics Counselor (DEC) is responsible for the ethics program within his/her jurisdiction, e.g., an Institute or Center (IC) DEC has jurisdiction over activities for employees within his or her IC. DECs are also responsible for ensuring employee compliance with ethics rules, regulations, and policies by working with employees and supervisors. DECs may also provide in-person training on various ethics issues.
ICO Ethics Officials (DECs, Coordinators, Specialists, and Other Staff) 
This list contains names and contact information for ethics officials in the NIH Ethics Office (NEO) and within the Institute and Center (IC) Ethics Offices. The list includes names and contact information for the DECs, the Ethics Coordinators and Specialists, and in some cases, the assistants. The Ethics Coordinators and Specialists are responsible for being the first line of contact for employees. They handle the day-to-day functioning of the IC's Ethics Office, assist employees, review forms, distribute information, and follow up with employees when additional information is needed. Coordinators and Specialists may also provide in-person training on various ethics issues. This list also includes the names and contact information for the NIH Ethics Counsels in the HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division.
HHS Office of the General Counsel Ethics Division (OGC/ED) (HHS access only)
This list is staff from OGC Ethics Division only. Their client is the NIH, therefore the attorneys are available to provide legal advice to the NIH on ethics matters. However, they also work with IC DECs and Ethics Coordinators and Specialists to resolve issues relevant to a particular employee. Names and contact information for the NIH Ethics Counsels are included on both lists above.