- HHS Summary of Post-Employment Restrictions, January 2025
(issued by OGC/ED) The summary discusses the main post-employment restrictions. It also provides the salary threshold for designating senior status for purposes of post-employment analyses, and the additional restrictions and exceptions available to senior staff. In this context, "senior" applies to employees across the executive branch, and has no relationship to the definition of "NIH Senior" as defined in the HHS Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct. Government-wide senior, see also the next document.
- Additional Post-Employment Restriction and Exception for Government "Senior" Employees The Government-wide definition of "senior" is based on salary, and is not the same definition as the NIH designation of senior based on the HHS Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct (see 5 CFR 5501.110(b)(1)). Employees whose salary, excluding locality adjustments, equals or exceeds 86.5% of the rate of basic pay for Level II of the Executive Schedule (Link to OPM Pay Tables) are designated as "senior employees" and are subject to the one-year post-employment cooling-off period described in 18 USC 207(c). This document details the current salary threshold and explains the additional prohibition, and the exception to the prohibition.
- Understanding the Revolving Door: How Ethics Rules Apply to Your Job Seeking and Post-Government Employment Activities: Issued by OGE, October 2007. This text handout provides a general discussion about how the Federal ethics laws and restrictions may affect individuals, both while looking for a job and after leaving the Government. Also available in pamphlet format
- Seeking or Negotiating for Non-Federal Employment: Summary
(OGC/ED, January 2019)
- Digest of Outside Activity Provisions, January 2020
- Rules for the Road
Issued by OGE, October 2007. This pamphlet provides brief summaries of 18 U.S.C. § 207, 18 U.S.C. § 203 and the Procurement Integrity Act, and alerts employees to some other possible sources of post-employment restrictions.
- Seeking Employment in the private sector
OGE DAEOgram DO-04-029, 09/20/2004
- Summary of Emoluments Clause Restrictions on Civil and Military Employment by a Foreign Government of U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Retired Regular and Reserve Corps Officers and Inactive Reserve Corps Officers
(OGC/ED, June 2020)