SGEs may not serve in their individual capacity on advisory committees, boards, and commissions if they are federally registered lobbyists. This ban does not apply if they are specifically appointed to represent the interests of a nongovernmental entity, a recognizable group of persons or nongovernmental entities (an industry sector, labor unions, environmental groups, etc.), or state or local governments.
HHS advisory committee managers must ensure that individuals nominated to serve in their individual capacity (SGEs, Federal members, or NIH Peer Reviewers) as standing committee members are not federally registered lobbyists. This is done when appointed and annually thereafter. This must be accomplished by (1) requiring that the nominee certify that he or she is not a federally registered lobbyist, or (2) checking federal lobbyist database(s) to confirm that each nominee is not registered as a lobbyist.
(For details see Ban on Federally Register Lobbyists Serving on Advisory Committees)